Tuesday, March 27, 2012

todays rant

Today is day 2 of the 2ww...I read on someone else's blog that maybe those of us that are trying to get pregnant should just get sedated for the 2ww, I think that is a great idea! I figured that the first week would fly by because it is my spring break from school and that always seems to go too quickly! And next week is the first week of the new term so that should fly by too...but these first two days (now on a vacation note I am not complaining, just complaining on a waiting to see if I'm pregnant note!) have seemed to drag. I wish that I actually was off this week, like from work and everything, but alas no lol.

I think the time is dragging because I know that this is our last try for awhile. Financially we are going to have to take a break. At around $900 a month, it drains you quickly. That doesn't even consider the expense after pregnancy...Shorty has to do a 2nd parent adoption even though her name will be on the birth certificate with mine. ok...that's enough of my rant for the day, I'm sure there will be a lot more to say about all that when we know for sure that we are expecting!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,
    I'm sorry this experience has been so financially and emotionally draining so far. I am sure that you two will get pregnant before you know it and all this will be a distant memory. Michelle and I miss you two very much. It's nice that we can keep up with some of your personal happenings via this blog.
    Try to have a good spring break! :)
    Sarah (and Michelle)
