Thursday, April 26, 2012

swimmers on board!

Ok, we had a great insemination today! I read somewhere that my lucky color today was red so I wore a red shirt, a bra with red in it and red undies...I went all out! lol We did the trigger shot Tuesday night around 9pm. On our way to the Dr today, around 9am, i swear I felt a crazy ovulation pain! that would be exactly 36 hours after the shot which is crazy. We inseminated 2.5 hours later which was perfect timing the Dr said. She had to grab my cervix again but it didn't hurt as much this time as last. We both feel good about it. I know, we have to feel good about it every month because if we didn't, why would we do it, right? Well somehow we both just feel better about it this time than the other times. I am very ready for a BFP +++ It seems that things this month are falling into place. Shorty finally got a decision on her 100% disability from the VA, and it was approved! With that, we got 19 months worth of backpay that helped to pay off pretty much everything. We also found our dream house...just waiting for things to fall off of her credit so we can get a pre-approval and make an offer. Fingers crossed that we have a new house for a new baby very soon!!!

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