Thursday, June 27, 2013

The tides they are a' changin'

Yesterday was a historic day! Shorty and I have been hoping and wishing that by the time our baby arrives in January we could be a legally married couple and be a "legitimate" family in the eyes of the federal government. We have a domestic partnership in Oregon (that, for now, has a constitutional ban on gay marriage). There are still so many things to work out but I believe this will bring our family protections and benefits we weren't afforded before. On a baby note....we are up to the size of a cherry!! Almost to a kumquat :-) Toes are growing, fingers and joints are starting to move...and next week we will be at 10 weeks....almost out of the first trimester already! Our amazing surro has had very little morning sickness, it comes and goes at least. She bought one of those sea bands early on...I hope that is helping when it does hit. We are slowly but surely buying a ton of baby clothes!! lol We are not-so-patiently awaiting closing on a house before buying any big items...and we need to be a bit reserved because I have a feeling that with 2 baby showers we will get a load of things! :-) I'm not sure if I have said this yet but we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby. This is a sore spot for many of our friends and family and I say....tough. We don't get to feel the first kick, movement, etc so this our thing we can control. It's very exciting to be waiting!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The greatest gift

So I am watching "I'm Having Their Baby" and it is making me cry. I know the circumstances are different for the girls on here. They are putting their babies up for adoption, they didn't get pregnant for the specific couple. It just makes me think how amazing it is to have someone willing to do this for us. These moms are all having such a hard time making the decision to give their baby to a family that can give them a better life and I can't imagine how that feels. One of the moms decided after the baby was born to keep him and I think about how that would feel and I just can't. I also know that there are emotions that will surface from both our TS and from Shorty and me as we get further into this. We don't know what those will be. I don't think I can describe the feelings right now and how much joy and happiness and amazement and love (ok maybe I can describe it!) that I am feeling. I just want to tell everyone that will listen that we have an amazing TS that is giving us a gift that can never be matched. Our little Audrey or Bennett will forever be the greatest gift that has ever been given to us.

In love!

Our first u/s pics and we are already head over heels! We saw a nice strong heartbeat, 140 beats/min. Our little blueberry is doubling in size every week! This made it very real that we are having a baby. I honestly don't know if I will have a complete grasp of the reality until we have a baby in our arms though. Having a surrogate is a blessing let me tell you...and its a little weird too because we don't feel anything, or see our own baby bump growing. But seeing that little tiny heart fluttering away...Oh that was mind blowing :-)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Cute Baby Stuff!

So I decided that I wanted to go through our baby boxes. We own a ton of stuff already! two crib sets including bumper and skirt and many many crib sheets, mattress pad, receiving blankets...though it's only 3 bins so I am sure we will need a lot more! When I was going through the clothes and showing them all to Shorty I suddenly realized...WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! In 34ish weeks those tiny little clothes will be filled with a tiny little being that is ours. Our baby that we wanted, worked so hard for, and have finally "made". Our baby that is going to grow up in a family with two moms that already love it more than anything, our baby that has a loving extended family including god parents and chosen family. Our baby. It is unbelievable that in one week we will see our little blueberry and see its heart beating like crazy :-) I will probably cry...and I will post a picture next week :-)