Monday, February 18, 2013

Just an update

So we received the contracts from the lawyer and thank god that Kandi likes to read those kind of things and wants to know all the details because I would still be reading them and scratching my head wondering what the hell it all meant. I will tell you if you haven't seen a seragent contract it can be really scary. I am thankful we all had talked and agreeded on what the requirements would be before all of this because I would have freaked if we would have gotten contracts first. I mean money here and there for this and that I understand that people need to get paid for certain things but I started to freak out that we wouldn't be able to afford this and once again our dream of being a parent would be on hold again. but no we are still in agreeance  and we can have certain things removed from the contract. It is so crazy I am so ready to have that positive test and ready to start the count down until our first mothers day of 2 legged non fur kids and I try not to think that something is going to stop us from getting to the end with a baby I just want it now.
We got news today that all systems are go we are just waiting for the cycle to begin so it is getting closer to insemination day I walk around with a little ball knot in my stomach knowing the day keeps getting closer and closer but then it will be here done and then that little ball knot will be the size of a football for 10 days waiting to know if we are parents to be. Thank you to all of you who are following this blog and sharing our journey with us. I am already coming up with ideas for our pregnancy positive pictures.

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