Friday, September 9, 2011

It begins

All I can say is this baby making business is stressful lol. when you begin the process you have to decide who is going to carry and how your going to go about getting the sperm. We decided to go through an sperm bank which is  a great way to go and a bit cheaper as I have been told. You don't have to go through the legal part getting contracts drawn up, paying for the donor to go to the doctor for tests and then to have the sperm washed and other things. With a sperm bank everything is already taken care of. So you and your partner sit down and start reading and sorting through guys on the journey to find the perfect sperm. It was a very interesting journey. We did however pick 2 that we thought would be great. So number @#$% was our guy. I get a call from Kandi saying that he was available and that we should buy him. I said alright lets do this. A few mins later I get a call from Kandi again saying oh my god we bought sperm. We were both really excited when we got off the phone I text the 4 people that I agreed would be the ones that I would tell until we told everyone once we were 10 wks along. We made a doctors appointment and off to Medford we go which is 1.5 hours away from our house. My wife is a planner and already knew what to expect because she had tried IUI once before. I had no clue what to expect. The appointment went great and we were on our way to starting our family.
I am a photographer and I was working on a project Tuesday morning at the kitchen table when Kandi comes out of the bathroom and throws the OPK (ovulation predictor kit) on the table and said it's smiling were going to Medford. We were so excited so we called the doctor and sure enough off to Medford we went. I told Kandi that this is going to be the longest hour and a half drive of our lives. We get to the doctor they do an ultrasound and we find that the folical was only 13.5 and her lining was only 7 so we had to wait. We got a negative OPK on Thursday which was the day we were suppose to go back to the doctor. We went got the ultrasound the folical was 18 (it's suppose to be 16-29 and lining is suppose to be 10 in order to be considered ripe) the linning was 10 We were ecstatic were going to inseminate we thought. Our doctor wanted to check her estdoral   and that needed to be at 200 in order to insemenate. We got a 115 or 118 I can't remember either way to low to to inseminate. We were disappointed that we once again were traveling the hour and a half back to our house with no sperm on board. Kandi is like clock work with her cycle and she thinks tomorrow is the day she will ovulate. Woke up today with a neg OPK so now it's a waiting game to see when her body decides it wants to ovulate. Needless to say were not sleeping well because were excited and anxious so when we do sleep were dreaming about the OPK tests. lol or at least I am. I hear her get up and I wait to hear a scream come from the bathroom saying were going to Medford. Granted we have only been trying to ovulate for 3 days now but come on already we want to inseminate already lol. So I will leave you with no ovulation yet but am very hopeful tomorrow will be our day and if it is then it's 2 wks to wait to find out if we can expect our little one in 9 month.

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